LGBTQIA / SOGI Counseling

Why is Affirmative Counseling Important?

Coming into counseling can be an overwhelming and fear-filled process for anyone. You should not have to worry if your counselor is affirming to your gender and/or sexual identity, on top of the typical fears and apprehensions. Here at Natural Balance Counseling, we pride ourselves in being unapologetically affirming in our beliefs and practices of supporting every individual, regardless of identity.

What May Be Going On...

All of these are common occurrences that our counselors can, and want to help you with. Support and strength is a significant part of finding success in each of these situations, and while it may feel overwhelming now, there is hope and a light for the future in every case.

Here's how we help

Our counselors will support you in exploring your presenting concerns, without pathologizing your sexual or gender identity in any way. We actively work to make sure you feel heard and understood, no matter what the concern is you are bringing to therapy.

Living as a minority people group comes with its own set of concerns, struggles, and understanding of the world around you. It can impact how you see others, as well as your view of the world around you. Recognizing these things and how it plays into the present situation can be a part of effective counseling to empower YOU with knowledge about your life and your world. We understand it can be hard to find a truly safe space to explore yourself and your identity, but Natural Balance Counseling strives to be that place you can confidently trust to be there for you and your life. We can help you as an individual, a couple, a parent, or any person who is confronting a life situation that connects with the identities of being: Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Demisexual and more!