
What do we do now?

Cheating is usually not planned for within a relationship, and the aftermath can devastate anyone involved. It can be almost impossible to imagine how a relationship can recover from infidelity and how closeness and trust can be developed again. In counseling, though, it is possible! We can work together to help a relationship recover from infidelity and become stronger and more resilient!

Things That May Be Happening:

In any of these situations, you’re not alone. Many emotions and conflicting thoughts are running through your mind, and it can be hard to figure them out on your own. We want to help you find a way to get through this experience that suits you best!

Here's how we help

Infidelity leaves no one involved in the situation unscathed. The jealousy, insecurities, anger, fear, and confusion it can bring up are all common responses but equally challenging to manage. While each situation is different and nuanced in its way, the foundational feelings and ones that couples and individuals across the world share are still there.

Your counselor can work with you or you and your partner together as you navigate the situation. It may feel overwhelming, but there are clear steps and guides to recovering from this experience, both as an individual or as a unit. In the counseling room, you get to set the goals of what you want to accomplish and what you ultimately desire things to look like. If you aren’t sure what those goals are yet, that’s okay too. We want you to be able to be happy and healthy in your situation, no matter what has happened and come out stronger at the end of it. We know it feels like a mountain of a task, but recovery and strength are possible. Reach out today to schedule your first appointment to help you find that peace and contentment again in your life!