“What do people even come to see you for?”
This is a great question! Often I find that people have a specific idea of how “severe” a situation has to be before reaching out for counseling, but that isn’t the case.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to help give you some examples of everyday situations we see here at Natural Balance Counseling. These are some examples of situations in which people came to see us and found the support they sought. Details have been changed to protect confidentiality, so all examples are blends of two or three situations.
A mom in her 40s was struggling with raising teens and a middle schooler. Life had gotten overwhelming, and she uses words like “I feel lost,” “Life is just on rinse and repeat,” “My husband feels like a stranger,” “I look at my body and I don’t know who I am anymore,” and “I love my kids, but I just wish they would go away sometimes.” She communicates that she never described herself as a depressed person, but after staying at home with her kids since her oldest was born, she’s now realizing her days with kids at home are limited and that reality is scary.
A man dating his current partner for two years wanted to ensure he worked through past experiences before getting married. This would be his second marriage, and he is scared of “messing it all up” as he said he did in the first one.
A woman came in who was unsure if her marriage was abusive. She didn’t want to leave three kids in the house, but her friends told her that what was happening was not “normal,” and they worried for her safety and sanity.
Another situation was a couple who had not had sex in four years. They looked like the “perfect” couple from the outside but tend to laugh off sex jokes and say they feel awkward when friends talk about experiences. Sex used to be a close and connecting experience, but things stopped when life got busy with kids and one partner started their own business. Fighting has escalated, and thoughts of divorce are floating around one partner’s head feeling dissatisfied.
A college student originally came in because their parents were making them after failing the first semester. They continue coming because college can be rough, and they use counseling to navigate difficult situations.
A couple came in struggling with communication and patience with each other. They are raising a child with special needs and found that the years of appointments and stress had strained their relationship. They have already talked to divorce lawyers but had been advised to seek counseling before following through.
Do any of these feel familiar? Reach out today to schedule a free consultation with one of our counselors! By having a therapist in The Woodlands, you can receive quality mental health care close to your home!